About Us
About Us
Hi, I’m Holli and I believe in using food as medicine whenever possible. I am passionate about helping others be happy and healthy with how they eat and live their lives, something I’ve been doing since I was a teenager. From a young age, I’ve known that I was meant to help others find contentment with their lives. This became apparent when my love of health and nutrition blossomed, much due to growing up on a farm.
My lifestyle on the farm showed me the importance of using our land to grow food and fuel our body. My farm roots are the foundation of my passion for food, nutrition, and hospitality. My love of nutrition unknowingly started as I grew up on a rural Missouri farm where my family raised animals, harvested hay, and tended gardens. My desire to learn about the connection between land and nutrition stems from my farm life and wanting to help my family improve their health by using food as medicine. This love of land and food is why I pursued the path of working towards becoming a Registered Dietitian.
Why I created MootzRootz
Over the course of my studies, I learned that everyone’s opinion differs and somehow, facts can be changed too. How is that possible? Why can we not be told the truth? We have a wealth of information at our fingertips and truly want to believe everything we see, but can we?
Misinformed, half-truths, biased views, opinions, and lack of education deters us from finding the whole truth about nutrition. This issue keeps us from living our healthiest and happiest life, especially when our trusted sources have a hidden agenda. Many forget the importance of farms and how much we need them to survive. This is another critical subject that has become nearly erased from our minds over the past couple of generations.
Here, I plan to expose the lies and myths and bring out the truth for all our health questions. We will travel through our history to learn where we went astray and figure out how to live our best lives again. This is why I chose to create a blog, to give people a fair chance to learn the unbiased truth and make informative decisions on their own. I hope you find this blog informative, truthful, and a way to strengthen your own foundation so your roots grow deeper and reach wider.
My mission is to find the unbiased truth about our food and health by going back to our roots to understand how the health of our society became what it is now. I hope finding and strengthening our roots will allow us to live a translucent and joyful life.
What I can teach you
This blog was created to first inspire and then encourage readers to find their own roots and help them grow deeper and stronger. Throughout your time here, we will answer sought-out questions that will help you first, understand our past and then use it to improve your health by considering the relationship between food, mind, body, and spirit. This will be done with as close to the truth that can be found in the most unbiased way. I hope you enjoy the journey of learning about our past ways of life, food history, societal transitions related to food and health, how we can use food as medicine in the modern era, and the little things in between that will cover what we can do together to help you live the healthy life you deserve.
I hope you join our growing community as we delve deeper into understanding our ROOTZ!