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Simple Nutrition
Is nutrition a little confusing to understand?

Is nutrition a little confusing to understand?

Why is nutrition confusing to understand?

Like many of you, these are some questions that I have asked myself for a long time regarding nutrition.

So who can we trust to give us the quality information on nutrition?

This is the reason why I have pursued a career in nutrition.

Growing up, I noticed the worsening disconnect we, as a society, have between food, medication, and our daily lifestyle. Therefore I have turned to using food as medicine for help. I’ve decided to dedicate the rest of my life to providing quality information about nutrition to the world. I hope to make it a happier, healthier, and cleaner place to live. With misconceptions and misguidance on food and nutrition, there is a lot of mystery and hidden knowledge to uncover. With national health care costs rising and preventative disease cases growing, it’s time to rethink our diet and lifestyle. We need to make conscience healthy decisions that will improve the mind, spirit, and body to create a happier individual.

Therefore our plan is too provide quality content with unbiased expertise.

More importantly through extensive research. We’ll go back in time and review the history of food, nutrition and healthy eating. As a result, we’ll dig deep into origins of health and expose the sickness within our rootz. On this journey we’ll learn about the beginning of food history to what it is now. From the farm to kitchen and into your body, we will heal our rootz and create a sustainable tree of life by using food as medicine.

I am armed with Associates in Culinary Arts, a Bachelors of Science in Culinary Arts with a concentration of Dietetics and a Minor in Sommelier. I will passionately and seamlessly fuse them together to create a vivid picture of the evolution of nutrition and health.

Are you ready to uncover the truths of nutrition and heal your own rootz?

-Holli Mootz

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